Thing #2

Please use the Learning Agreement form found on the SI.

The Learning Contract that is embedded in the "7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners" is the one that was used by Charlotte-Mecklenberg. For our purposes here at HCL, the form has been streamlined to be more user friendly.

You'll need to have a conversation with your supervisor about the Learning Agreement. He or she is going to have to support you in this learning process. The agreement is a good chance to discuss what that support will look like - from taking an active role in helping you to identify other staff at HCL who have expertise that can assist you in overcoming hurdles, to a more passive role of simply allowing time away from regular duties so that you can focus on successfully completing the program.

If you decide to use the Charlotte Meckelnberg contract for your own records, you may find some difficulty formatting the pages because it's a write-protected document. To disable the protection so that you can change font size, delete empty lines, etc., just go to your menu bar. Click the Format menu, then Sections. In the dialog box, you'll see that there is a check in the Write Protection box. Uncheck it.
Now you should be able to manipulate the document.

Hope this helps!

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